What Is The Best Type Of Honey For Sleep?

What Is The Best Type Of Honey That Can Be Eaten At Night And Before Going To Bed To Help You Sleep Better? Raw Honey And Manuka Honey.

Best Type Of Honey For Sleep

How does eating honey before bed affect your health? There is no doubt that honey is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. This food is also called liquid gold and since the Middle Ages, many European traditional healers have recommended drinking warm milk with a teaspoon of honey before bed, it can heal your entire body.

Sleep is a basic need for human physical and mental health. Lack of sleep can lead to problems such as fatigue, decreased concentration, weak immune system, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity.

In recent years, research has shown that eating honey before bed can help improve sleep quality. Honey contains various nutrients that can help calm the nerves and create a sense of relaxation.

Best Type Of Honey For Sleep

Based on research, two types of honey, namely raw honey and Manuka honey, are the best types of honey for improving sleep quality.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is honey that is harvested without heat and processing. Raw honey is also one of the best types of honey for bedtime. This honey contains more useful nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Nutrients in raw honey can help calm nerves and create a sense of calm. For example, raw honey contains high amounts of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that the body needs to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, sleep, and stress.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is honey obtained from the flowers of the manuka tree in New Zealand. Manuka honey is the Best Type Of Honey For Sleep. This honey has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help improve sleep quality.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Manuka honey can help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation can negatively affect sleep quality.

The antioxidant properties of Manuka honey can help strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system can help improve sleep quality.

In one study, people who consumed 2 teaspoons of manuka honey before bed had deeper and more restful sleep compared to people who did not consume manuka honey.

Therefore, if you are looking to improve the quality of your sleep, you can use raw honey or Manuka honey before bed.

Benefits Of Eating Honey Before Bed

Eating honey before going to sleep can bring the following benefits:

Improve sleep quality

Honey can help calm the nerves and create a sense of relaxation. This can make you fall asleep easily and have a deep and comfortable sleep. Honey contains a nutrient called tryptophan, which helps you relax and sends a signal to your body that it’s time to go to bed. Although our body needs amino acid, it is not produced naturally and we must get it through proper diet, such as consuming organic products including honey. Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night; Because during the night, our brain needs a substance called glycogen and it prevents you from sleeping. Fortunately, honey contains glycogen, so consuming it before bed will help you to prevent the release of adrenaline and sleep well.

Reducing the time required to fall asleep

Honey can help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. This is especially helpful for people with insomnia.

Increase the duration of sleep

Honey can help increase the duration of sleep. This can lead to a longer and more quality night’s sleep.

Increased production of melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Honey contains compounds that can help increase melatonin production.

Reduce inflammation

Inflammation can negatively affect sleep quality. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and improve sleep quality.

Improve brain function

Honey can help improve brain function and reduce fatigue. This can help you fall asleep more easily and sleep more deeply.

Boosting the immune system

Honey has antioxidant properties that can help strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system can help improve sleep quality.

Lowering blood pressure

Blood pressure and maintaining it at a moderate and stable level is a factor that reduces the risk of heart disease. Honey contains antioxidant compounds that have been shown to lower blood pressure, a tablespoon of honey before bed is a good way to prevent high blood pressure.

Lowering triglycerides

Triglyceride is a type of fat found in the blood. High triglyceride levels mean the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, honey helps reduce the amount of triglycerides in your body and cleans your blood of unnecessary fats.

Raw Honey Before Bed

Eating Raw Honey Before Bed

If you also love to eat honey before bed, then we have good news for you. It has been proven that raw organic honey can do wonders for you if you consume it right before you go to sleep. If you are afraid that the amount of sugar in honey will cause weight gain, there is no need to worry. Our liver needs fuel during the night, so honey can be a good choice to replenish our liver. Honey produces glucose, which will lead to the release of many fat hormones and other hormones.

It is known that your brain uses a lot of energy during the night, so a little natural sugar before bed will help your brain function. Raw honey has been proven to have the ideal ratio of fructose and glucose, which is great for overnight liver function. As you can see, honey ensures adequate nutrition of liver glycogen, so your brain will not have a critical search for fuel during the night. After all, honey makes you feel full during the night and you won’t be hungry.

Eating raw honey before bed can have more benefits than eating other types of honey. This is due to the presence of more beneficial nutrients in raw honey.

Raw honey contains more antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and zinc. These nutrients can help calm the nerves and create a sense of calm.

The Best Time To Eat Honey Is Before Sleep

The best time to eat honey before sleep is about 30 minutes before sleep. This will give your body enough time to absorb the honey’s sugar and help calm your nerves.

The Right Amount Of Honey To Eat Before Sleep

The right amount of honey to eat before going to sleep is about a teaspoon. This amount is enough for most people to get the benefits of honey.

Benefits Of Eating Garlic And Honey Before Bed

Garlic and honey are also a useful combination to improve the quality of sleep. Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help calm the nerves and create a sense of relaxation.

To eat garlic and honey before bed, you can crush a clove of garlic and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Eat this mixture about 30 minutes before going to bed.

Read More: Drinking Ginger Tea Before Bed At Night


Honey is a natural and useful food that can help improve sleep quality. Raw honey and Manuka honey are among the best types of honey for sleep. Eating a teaspoon of raw honey or manuka honey about 30 minutes before bed can help you fall asleep easily and have a deep and comfortable sleep.

Important Points

  • If you have diabetes or other underlying diseases, consult your doctor before consuming honey before going to bed.
  • Consume pure honey. Adding honey to other foods can reduce its benefits.
  • If you are allergic to honey, avoid consuming it before going to bed.

Finally, if you are looking to improve your sleep quality, you can use honey as a natural supplement.


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