Drinking Cold Water In The Morning On An Empty Stomach

What Are The Benefits And Side Effects Of Drinking Cold Water And Ice In The Morning? Is It Harmful To Drink Cold Water On An Empty Stomach?

Drinking Cold Water In The Morning

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is always recommended by doctors. We should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Most of the human body is made up of water. For example, almost 73% of the volume of the brain is made up of water. Therefore, drinking water plays an essential role in the health of the body. But do you know that the water’s temperature is also necessary?

Some people like to drink very cold water. Especially on hot summer days, drinking cold water is very common. In fact, drinking cold water will reduce body temperature and quench their thirst. But you should know that drinking cold water is not good and has many disadvantages.

The time to drink water is also very important. For example, drinking water on an empty stomach is beneficial. Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach can increase oxygenation in the blood and increase the body’s energy level. In addition, 8 hours of night sleep may cause dehydration in the body. Consuming water in the morning can quench this thirst.

Drinking Cold Water In The Morning On An Empty Stomach

Although drinking too cold water can harm the body, drinking mildly cold water can also be very beneficial, especially if taken in the morning on an empty stomach. In general, drinking cold water is one of the healthy eating habits and has many fans worldwide. Drinking cold water on an empty stomach can strengthen the immune system and help digestion. Also, drinking cold water is very beneficial for skin health and helps to lose weight.

Of course, you should know that only drinking cold water on an empty stomach cannot guarantee your health. Rather, you must change your eating habits and use healthy foods.

It should be noted that if you have digestive problems or are allergic to cold water, avoid using it.

Cold Water In The Morning On An Empty Stomach

Benefits Of Drinking Cold Water In The Morning

1- Increasing Body Hydration

Drinking water in the morning can provide the water needed by the body. For this reason, drinking water in the morning greatly helps to hydrate the body.

2- Increase Energy Level

Drinking cold water in the morning increases blood flow and thus increases oxygen supply to different body parts. For this reason, drinking water on an empty stomach will increase the body’s energy level.

3- Strengthening The Immune System

Drinking cold water in the morning increases the level of different antioxidants in the body. For this reason, the body’s immune system should be strengthened, and the risk of contracting various diseases should be reduced.

4- Weight Loss

Drinking cold water on an empty stomach will increase metabolism in the body. Therefore, it is very effective in improving digestion and losing weight.

5- Skin Improvement

Drinking cold water in the morning can make the skin fresher and younger. By drinking water, the dryness of the skin will be removed, and the skin will regain its radiance and health.

You need to know that although drinking cold water while fasting is very useful, drinking cold water alone is not enough. You should also change your lifestyle and eat healthy foods.

Drinking Cold Water

Side Effects Of Drinking Cold Water In The Morning

Although drinking cold water in the morning has benefits, it has disadvantages. Some of these side effects are listed below

1- Cold Water Affects The Digestion Process In Your Body

One of the biggest side effects of drinking cold water in the morning is digestive problems. Drinking cold water in the morning causes constriction of blood vessels and restricts blood circulation. For this reason, instead of focusing on digesting food, the digestive system tries to bring its temperature to a normal level. A large part of the body’s energy is used to regulate the temperature of different parts of the digestive system. For this reason, drinking some cold drinks while eating may cause your food not to be adequately digested.

2- Drinking Cold Water Shocks Your Body

Other harms of drinking cold water in the morning include increased joint and muscle pain, lower blood pressure, and increased risk of catching a cold or infection.

It is enough to bring the temperature of your cold water to be lukewarm or drink a glass of warm water before drinking To prevent these dangers.

3- Stimulation Of Kidneys And Chronic Hydration

Drinking cold water on an empty stomach can increase blood pressure and cause kidney problems. Although the common belief is that drinking cold water increases water supply and hydration, this belief must be corrected. Because when drinking cold water, instead of focusing on providing water to the body, the body seeks to adjust the body temperature to a normal state.

4- Drinking Cold Water Reduces Your Body’s Energy In The Long Run

Since the body spends a lot of energy adjusting its temperature after drinking cold water, it can cause chronic fatigue and decrease power in a person’s body in the long run.

5- Cool Water Irritates The Throat

Drinking cold water does to your throat what cold air does to people’s noses on winter nights. In winter, the sinuses are irritated by the cold air and produce a lot of mucus. The throat also secretes a lot of mucus in contact with cold water.

It is recommended to consult your doctor before drinking water in the morning. In addition, in case of digestive problems and allergies after drinking cold water, avoid consuming this water.


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